
Dr Thibaut Lacroix

Postdoctoral researcher

Institut für Theoretische Physik
Universität Ulm
0000-0002-5190-040X Researchgate tfmlaX
Linkedin @ThibautLacroix


Effective teaching does not simply teach students what is correct -- it also insures that students do not believe what is incorrect.

Daniel F. Styer, “Commom Misconceptions Regarding Quantum Mechanics”

Prépa Emc2 - Hadamard

University of St Andrews

  • Tutor in Quantum Mechanics 2 (Candlemas Semester 2021, 2 groups)
  • Tutor in Physics 1 (Martinmas semester 2020, 1 group)
  • Tutor in Physics 1 (Martinmas and Candlemas semesters 2019 - 2020, ~120h)

Avicenne Cours&Conférences

  • Lecturer and tutor in first year of medical school (Fall semester 2015-2016, 3 groups, ~32h)


I was laureate in 2019 of the Agrégation de sciences-physiques, a physics national highly competitive examination (~7% success rate) to select teachers for higher education (universities and classe prépa - undergraduate level) and highschools


📫 Universität Ulm, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Albert Einstein Allee 11, 89081, Ulm, Germany
📧 thibaut.lacroix @ uni-ulm.de
Office: Room 4113 - Building M26
Phone: (+49)